The Fundamentals of Photography by Damian McGillicuddy

Photography is FUN… but it can be confusing at first! Strange new terms, new words and new concepts. A new language to learn and new skills to implement. All need to be understood and mastered if you wish to get the best out of your camera and make superlative pictures. What you need to get the best out of your camera is a no nonsense, easy to understand guide! Who better to be your guide than 5 Times United Kingdom Master Photographer of the year Damian McGillicuddy Lord of Kerry. His shining career and experience uniquely place him as simply, “The best man for the job”, to take you on the journey, guide you through the maze, and avoid any pitfalls on your journey to photography success.
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Damian McGillicuddy

Chief instructor
With over 34 years in the industry, from opening my first 'General Practice' studio in Widnes to becoming an international celebrity and fashion photographer, I have seen, done and shot just about everything in the world of photography.As a youngster I watched the Olympus TV commercials featuring the legendary David Bailey and proudly told my mum, 'One day that'll be me!' Sure enough, in 2013 I was named Mr. Bailey's successor as Olympus UK's Principal Photographer.
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